I'm a 39 year old lawyer, married since June 2006, who never thought it would take 365 days, much less 365 steps, to get knocked up. 880 days later, the final IVF (the hail Mary pass) turned into numerous positive pee sticks and a sticky embryo. My sweet baby boy was born August 18, 2009.
November 2007 - IVF #1 Nada, negative, zilch January 2008 - FET #1 cancelled February 2008 - FET #1 take #2 BFP but fleeting, m/c August 2008 - IVF #2 .... Nothing positive about it, negative December 2008 - IVF #3 BFP Twins, but lost Little B at 7w5d Little A measures 6.8 cm on 2-18-09 March 31, 2009 - Little A is a boy! (who weighs 7 ounces, less than a full beer) August 18, 2009 - My Little Adam enters the world, 11 days early, at 6lbs 12 ounces. December 25, 2009 - Adam's first Christmas, weighing in at an impressive 17 pounds.