Saturday, June 20, 2009


Meet my son. The son who removed his thumb from his mouth for exactly 20 seconds, which resulted in the above picture. The hand didn't move far from his face. I will be saving for his future orthodontial needs. My 30 minutes with him started with thumb firmly in mouth. His, not mine. Then fingers in mouth. Next, removal of hand and licking of arm. Then he spied his foot. I believe he thought for a few seconds about the possibility of foot in mouth, something of which his mother knows well. Finally, he smiled in the general direction of the ultrasound wand and his mother, father and grandmother melted. Thumb went back into mouth.

I now know why women are blind and dumb when it comes to their children. I think he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And the smartest. And funniest....


Paula Keller said...

That's totally amazing!

Birdee said...

He is so beautiful.
Great picture =D

Another Julia said...

Of course he's beautiful!
Awesome ultrasound pic.

Momasita said...

He's gorgeous! Congratulations.

Io said...

Even if he keeps up the thumbsucking and needs braces later, this kid looks like he will be worth every penny!