Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh Baby.

My little jumping bean is measuring 11 weeks and 4.09 centimeters. Still cavorting and moving and, oh my dear, shaking that little bootie. We got one picture where she ("she" is necessary in this context) is lounging, legs akimbo, arms folded up behind her head like a centerfold, shaking what her mama gave her. E seems to get a little irritated with me when I refer to Little A with terms like "brazen hussy" and "jumbo lima bean," but it makes me giggle. And I didn't want to bring it up again, but 2 1/2 years and $50,000 later, I'm entitled to a little levity.


Denise said...

It's too early to tell gender yet, right? So cool that you got to see her wiggling around. How cool is that? Can you post u/s pix?

Rebeccah said...

Awesome news!! : )

bernthis said...

I was an in-vitro patient and I am incredibly happy for you. I've been on that ride and it is nice to get off.

Ms. Perky said...

see? And you *could* have dropped that $50K on a home-ultrasound machine... but Nooooooo... instead you dropped it on what? Oh, that's right... getting pregnant. Man infertility sucks.

Glad things are going well. Thanks for your thoughts re: 6 day transfers (I'm not worried about mine - I'm all zen about it... either it will work or it won't... but I'm... how shall I say... frustrated at the weird progress my embryos have made).